1958 Chevy Impala

The beautiful way to be thrifty!  

Economy never looked like this, performed like this, or rode like this, up to now. 
But now look what the '58 Chevrolet offers you in the biggest, boldest move any car ever made!

Not in two blue moons have so many fine new things come along in a car to delight and excite you - especially in the low-price field.

You can see the new Chevrolet has style. It's nine inches longer, rakishly lower and wider. It looks so ready for action you expect the one above to roll right off the page. 
And a Chevrolet can move, all right. It's new Turbo-Thrust V8 engine pours out a new Version of spirited performance that guarantees your money's worth in action. For the quickest, silkiest combination that there is, add Chevrolet's Turboglide, first and only triple-turbinc transmission in Chevy's field.

Even Chevy's faithful Blue-Flame 6 has new spunk in its thrifty ways. It's for certain, too, that economy never rode like this.  Chevrolet's new standard full Coil suspension is as jolt-free  and jounce-free as if a Chevy were striding along on tiptoe.  There is also a real air ride-as an optional choice at extra cost-and you can't have it softer than riding on air.

These are only a few of Chevrolet's new features and remarkable ways. You'll want to sample them all. The body-frame design isnew and stronger. Transmissions, including Powerglide, are smoother. The new 4-head-light system sends out a longer, stronger heam to assure sharper, safer seeing.

For the super surprise, head for Chevrolet's  two nwe models, Bel Air Impala Sport Coupe and Impala Convertible. They are the lowest  passenger cars in Chevrolet's whole beautiful line-and a new high in luxury. See your Chevrolet dealer and pick your Chevrolet... 


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